Spring Zeolite Water
Spring Zeolite water is completely natural. It goes through several stages of filtration and treatment: carbon filtration, treatment with ozone, UV filtering and our proprietary zeolitization procedure – a safe structural change using natural zeolite which gives it the cleansing quality. Spring zeolite water also includes minimum amounts of salts and minerals.
This type of water is strongly mineralized
Total mineralization: under 75 mg/l
Unlike mineral water which isn’t recommended for children under 7 years of age, zeolite water has no age limitation.
The Spring zeolite water is appropriate for children, babies and adults who prefer its natural taste. It is “live” water which has the perfect pH of 7.2. pH is an indicator for the acidic or alkaline content of water. The waters with a pH of under 6.5 are acidic and those with a pH between 6.5 and 12.5 belong to the alkaline group.
Our water is falls in the slightly alkaline category of the so called “live waters”, which are excellent refreshing and stimulating beverage.
Table Zeolite Water
Table water is intended for continuous and unlimited use, any time, anywhere including by babies and children 7 years old and younger.
Table zeolite water differs from Spring water very slightly in taste (spring water has a more natural taste) and undergoes an additional treatment process which clears up to 99% of the salts contained in the water.
Unlike mineral water which should not be consumed on a daily basis, the table water which has been treated with the natural mineral zeolite can be consumed with no limitation. According to the most recent studies it is recommended to drink table zeolite water, both for adults and children, including infants under 7 years old. It contains low levels of mineralization ( < 75 mg/l) and is lightly alkaline – “live” water (pH 7.2).
Table water influences overall health positively and has all positive properties of the zeolite mineral.