About Us

Zeolite’s unique qualities have gained rapid popularity in the last years. It is indeed an exceptionally healing mineral that is fortunately extracted from the Bulgarian land. Bulgaria is one of the least countries that has natural zeolite.

We have two lines of goods which have both excellent qualitative indices table and spring water.

For both of our goods is used unique technology they are purified and enriched with the natural mineral zeolite. This purifying process is exclusive for Bulgaria.

Zeolite water is perfectly appropriate for everyday use by children and babies inclusive.

Table zeolite water is fit for constant and unlimited consumption at every time and at every age.

The spring water is fit for drinking by children, babies and adults who prefer its natural and real taste. It is also harmless and good for everyday use unlike the mineral waters that must be consumed with caution.


Healthy and environmentally-friendly life is one of our main interests. This is the reason why the idea of including natural zeolite in the production of our water became the ultimate natural way and the best possible decision to obtain our goals and aspirations. We see zeolite as must-try product by the consumer. Additionally by the time that we took that decision we already had really fine qualitative indices for our spring water that we obtain from the depth at the foot of the Balkan mountain.

Our spring is at a depth of 84 m and we obtain exceptionally pure water as regards to salts and admixtures that is low mineralized and that is also fit for drinking in its natural form. Our spring is located in the center of the Valley of Roses and Thracian Kings – Kazanlak city.

The water from our spring was analysed and examined in a special certified laboratory that is cooperating exclusively with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS). Our qualitative indices gave us confidence that we are perfectly able to offer our customers water with truly superior drinking qualities.

The challenge is accepted – we found a way to combine the power of healing minerals with the molecules of water and to turn the product into something really outstanding.


The water is obtained by extremely pure sounding at the foot of the Balkan. Our spring is at a depth of 84 m. The spring is located in the center of The Valley of Roses and Thracian Kings.

The water passes through several phases of preparation and treatment that includes most contemporary technologies. After being filtered by active coal it is processed with UV rays, which removes completely all the bacteria and microorganisms. The extra ozone that is used in the process reduces the quantity of iron and oxidants and thanks to this the sterility of the bottles is much more bigger.

After being treated this way our water gets enriched with the zeolite mineral. This way it becomes healing and wholesome. The water is fit for drinking for babies and children. In contrast to the mineral waters that are not recommended for use by children under 7 years our water knows no restrictions. This refers to the spring and to the table water.

The spring and the table water are distinguished one from another only by one extra process – reverse osmosis for full purifying of salts. That is the reason why they are not very unlike and have similar taste qualities. The reverse osmosis is the most certain method for purification of the spring water – each harmful material are removed up to 99 %. This way water is turned into zeolite water, beneficial and harmless for everyday use. According to the last international tests it is the table water precisely that is recommended for everyday use for adults and children as well.